As my beautiful wife pulled into the yard the other day, after going to pick up more feed for the chickens, it made me laugh as I saw our little 4 cylinder car pulling in, fenders almost touching the tires, and the back almost dragging the ground as it strained to carry the 1,500 pounds of broiler feed that was in it!
I was hoping to be able to get 20 bags of feed, 50 lbs each = 1,000 lbs, but I did not expect the feed company to be able to pack 30 bags into that car. When your starting out you don't have all the equipment that would make things easier, like a truck, so you work with what you have.
I find myself so many times forgetting our Lords command, Luke 16:10 "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much."
It is very easy for me to always want the biggest and best thing that comes out. The newest electric poultry netting, the newest brix reading refractometer, a big truck to haul things in, more land, more this, more that.....after all aren't we supposed to take dominion?
It is very easy for me to always want the biggest and best thing that comes out. The newest electric poultry netting, the newest brix reading refractometer, a big truck to haul things in, more land, more this, more that.....after all aren't we supposed to take dominion?
It always my tendency to say, "well if I had "that" then I could really take care of things". But the fact is, if I can't be faithful with the 5-10 acres I'm on right now, then why should God give me any more land to work with? If I can't be a good steward for the chickens he has given me now...why should he let me have the equipment to handle more? If I'm not doing my best to raise my little boy to be a warrior for Him....why should he give me more children? I must be faithful in the least of things as much as I would be in the greatest of things.

If we view things that we "have" as belonging to God, as we should, it doesn't matter if we have 1 cow, or 200 cows. It doesn't matter if we have 10 chickens, or raise 5,000 per year. It all belongs to GOD. It is the property of our Lord and we have been intrusted to take care of and be a husbandman for. We will have to give an account of how we have used every resource that the Lord has given us one day, and may we be found to have been faithful with little....whether or not God ever gives us much.