Monday, January 30, 2012

One of God's Greatest Blessings

I just happened to look over at our bookcase, which is overflowing now, and realized how incredibly blessed we are! Thank God for books.

Here's something someone told me that I will never forget that never ceases to amaze and convict me. Food for thought.......

"Do you realize that the great men of the reformation, (Calvin, Luther, Knox, Zwingli) never had a library that could even come close to matching ours?"

Even my little library that pails in comparison with some of my friends. What excuse do we have? I would suggest none dear friends.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Work...God's Gift

One of my favorite aspects of farming is that you always have opportunities to work with your hands and build things! There is an intrinsic reward in being able to work with your hands and to be able to SEE the fruit of your labors. In this world of tecno flashy computer driven lifestyles; it is a privilege to be blessed to have an occupation that involves God-honoring manual labor.

There is a distorted view of work in our day. Work was instituted by God even before the fall. It is a good thing that we should embrace and not try to avoid. In fact, the first time someone worked on this earth it was God himself. 

Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

John 5:17 But Jesus answered them, My Father worketh hitherto, and I work.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The organic farmer's dilemma.

There ain't no money in farmin'.

Have you ever heard that? I have heard it a few more times than I would like to; and mostly from well meaning people. But after a start to ponder that very thought. Can I make a living doing what I love to do? Can I sustain my family raising God's critter's in line with what His word says? These questions are right to ask but the answer can be more elusive than one would desire.

It seems that the dream that we all have is always riddled with "what if's" and "how could it's". I guess that's what makes it a dream and not an afterthought.

Could there be any greater thing to do with your life than to be the one to nurture other living things and raise your family in an environment that teaches them about life God's way every day? A life where your children will learn the value of hard work, how to be giving, how to trust completely on the Lord, and how to work together as a family. These are the things we want to cultivate in our children and ourselves through a lifetime of learning to cultivate the ground and being a steward for the creatures that God has put here.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What is Generation Acres Farm?

So what is Generation Acres? And what does it mean?

Hello everyone,

My name is Ben Nelson and I'm the owner of Generation Acres Farm along with my wife Brittney and our little boy Marshall. It was 1&1/2 years ago when the idea of Generation Acres was formed, although the name wasn't thought up until much later. My wife and I had been married for just a few months and I had a job that required us to travel all over the country. We had been all the way from Arizona and California up to Wyoming, Montana, and Wisconsin. We enjoyed traveling and getting to see all types of land but it was amazing how much we just wanted to be home. We were very thankful that the Lord had provided me with a job that was meeting all our needs but we both knew that traveling the amount of time we were (about 3 weeks out of the month) would be no way to raise our children. We were praying that God would show us a different occupation that we could pursue that would give us the family life we wanted to be able to raise our children up for Him.